Created by Eli Jorné, The Walking Dead: Dead City is an upcoming American post-apocalyptic horror drama television series. The Walking Dead: Dead City is the fourth spin-off and overall fifth series in The Walking Dead franchise, sharing continuity with the other television series, and the first sequel to The Walking Dead TV series. The executive producers of the show include Scott M. Gimple, Eli Jorné, Lauren Cohan, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Brian Bockrath.
So, when the upcoming show is coming out? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the key characters? Is there any trailer available for the upcoming show? Keep reading to know the further details.
The Walking Dead: Dead City Plot and Cast
The basic premise of The Walking Dead: Dead City follows Maggie and Negan traveling into a post-apocalyptic Manhattan cut off from the mainland in search of Maggie’s kidnapped son, Hershel.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Gaius Charles as Perlie Armstrong, Jonathan Higginbotham as Tommaso, Trey Santiago-Hudson as Jano, Michael Anthony as Luther, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Željko Ivanek as “The Croat”, Mahina Napoleon as Ginny, and Charlie Solis as “The Bartender”.
Alex Borlo, David Chen, Randy Gonzalez, Alex Huynh, Aixa Kendrick, Karina Ortiz, Caleb Reese Paul, Eleanor Reissa, and John Wu will have been cast in undisclosed roles.
The Walking Dead: Dead City Release Date
AMC reported in March 2022 that they were developing a fourth spin-off of The Walking Dead titled Isle of the Dead. On July 19, 2022, Principal photography began in New Jersey and wrapped on October 24, 2022.
As of the article writing, the developers have not revealed any official release date for the upcoming show. However, they have confirmed that the show is arriving in June 2023 and it is going to have six episodes in total.
The Walking Dead: Dead City Trailer
Unfortunately, the official trailer for the upcoming season has not arrived yet. Until then you can check out the promo below: