The Wall is an American television game show airing on ABC that made its first debut on December 19, 2016. The show is a collaboration between SpringHill Entertainment and Glassman Media with actor, comedian, author, and TV personality Chris Hardwick as the host, who also serves as the executive producer on the show along with LeBron James, Maverick Carter, and Andrew Glassman.
What is “The Wall” about?
“The Wall” offers a pair of teammates life-altering cash prizes. The rules are simple: get a question correct and a green ball will fall down the wall and add the value of the slot to the players’ winning total. Miss a question and an ominous red ball will fall and deduct the value from the teams’ total. Teammates have to work together to build a huge cash prize.
However, the towering wall is not easily conquered. Wildly unpredictable, the Wall is capable of millions of different outcomes. As the game progresses, the stakes get even higher when one player is sent into an isolation room behind the Wall. It is here where the pairs’ faith in each other will be tested as they play the remainder of the game without any communication
A rollercoaster of emotions, the Wall gives and the Wall takes away. One minute you’re up and the next you’re one bounce away from zero. In this game, you need both the answers and bounces… with millions at stake every night.
SEASON FOUR of the show made its debut on Monday, January 4, 2021, at 10 P.M on NBC with a set of 20 episodes.
Where can I stream “The Wall”?
You can watch the whole show on Prime Video and NBC.