Created by Little Marvin and executive produced by Lena Waithe, “Them” is an anthology that explores the terrors in America. Set in the 1950s, and centering around a black family who move from North Carolina to an all-white Los Angeles Neighbourhood. The family’s idyllic home becomes ground zero where malevolent forces, next door and otherworldly, threaten to taunt, ravage and destroy them.
The show made its debut on Friday, April 9, 2021, on Amazon Prime Video.
We meet the Emorys’ in the first season — husband and wife, Henry (Ashley Thomas) and Lucky (Deborah Ayorinde), and their daughters, Ruby Lee (Shahadi Wright Joseph) and Gracie Jean (Melody Hurd) — en route to their idyllic new home in Los Angeles’ East Compton neighborhood, then a beacon of the middle-upper class, eugenicist, white supremacist suburban project. Henry has accepted a new job in engineering, and though the audience already knows they’ve left North Carolina for reasons only partially revealed, in the car, they exude positivity and optimism.
The warmth of their hope is tempered as soon as they arrive in their new neighborhood, greeted only by the intense stares of the residents who will soon, in a closed HOA meeting, describe them as ‘black mold’: a contaminating, infecting menace.
Where can I stream “Them”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.