Tough as Nails is a reality competition television series that premiered on 8th July 2020 on CBS. Tough as Nails is hosted by Phil Keoghan and features contestants who compete in challenges at job sites that test their toughness with one participant getting eliminated in every episode. The first season had 10 episodes. It started airing on 8th July 2020 and ended on 2nd September 2020. A nationwide casting search was also done in early November at St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, New York City, Cincinnati and Las Vegas for the first season.
In every episode, contestants compete in individual challenges for staying in the race for the grand prize. The lowest performer in every individual challenge are sent to Overtime with the loser of Overtime challenge getting eliminated from the individual competition. One contestant is crowned as the champion of Tough as Nails at the end of the season and he or she wins a grand prize of $200,000 and a Ford Super Duty truck. The show was renewed for a second season on 12th August 2020.
Release Date of Tough as Nails Season 2
Fans of Tough as Nails would be happy to know that the second season of the show has already premiered on 10th February 2021. Like the first season, even this season will have 10 episodes among which first five episodes have already premiered on CBS.
Cast of Tough as Nails Season 2
The cast of Tough as Nails Season 2 includes Sarah Burkett (Pipe Welder), Patrick “Freight Train” Hargan (UPS Delivery Driver), Scott Henry (Construction Superintendent), Iraida Mujica (Transport Track Repair), Liz “Knuckles” Nichols (Cement Mason), Cyril “Zeus” Ontai III (Lineman), Swifty Sanders (Steelworker), Merryl Tengesdal (Retired Air Force Colonel), Aracelis “Celi” Garcia (Travel Nurse), Angel Castillo (Construction Foreman), Michael “Eyebrows” Guerriero (Bricklayer) and Tara Alverson (Mariner).
Format of Tough as Nails Season 2
The format of Tough as Nails Season 2 remains the same like Season 1. The teams have been divided into “Dirty Hands” and “Savage Crew”.