Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films. The first five films have been directed by Michael Bay and they are Transformers(2007), Revenge Of The Fallen(2009), Dark Of The Moon(2011), Age Of Extinction(2014), and The Last Knight(2017). A spin-off film, Bumblebee directed by Travis Knight was released on December 21, 2018. The Transformers series has received negative to mixed feedback whereas Bumblebee has received positive feedback.
Is There Going To Be A Sequel To The Last Knight?
In February 2016, Hasbro announced the next three Transformers films: The Last Knight, Bumblebee, and an untitled sixth film. But, The Last Knight was a failure at the box office so the planned sequel was removed from Paramount’s list. It was stated that more sequels will be coming up in the series but with a change of tone and style, after the success of Bumblebee.
On January 27, 2020, it was reported that 2 films are in development; one written by James Vanderbilt and the other by Joby Harold. This is the latest piece of information on upcoming films in the Transformers series.
Cast And Characters In The Sequel
As of now, there is no information on the cast or the characters for the sequel films.
Why People Relate Transformers With Philosophy?
People feel that they can learn leadership skills from Optimus Prime. A book by the name: “Transformers and Philosophy: More Than Meets The Mind” has been published to discuss and study the characters in-depth to learn philosophical lessons from them. Optimus Prime has indeed depicted the ideal qualities a leader should have in the movies. He is super intelligent and has displayed his intelligence throughout the movies. Intelligence is considered as a very important skill in a good leader. He is an extraordinary person with exceptional qualities who cares a lot about everybody. These qualities in a person make them a strong leader. The Autobots have always believed in the division of labor, the work is always shared equally among them. This quality makes them great leaders!