Transformers, The American series of science fiction action movies that are based on the Transformers franchise that began in the year after 1980, has its another movie on its way to captivating you.
the first five films were directed by Michael Bay and the spin-off movie called the bumblebee was directed by Travis knight and produced by the bay and was released back on 21st of December 2018. They all have received mixed emotions except for the bumblebee movie with very positive reviews.
The film franchise has a promotional expanded series that has been set for both before as well as after the events of the films. This consists of comic books, video games, and novels, the novels are partially based on the films themselves, and the video games are not like films, comic books, and graphic novels fill in several parts of the stories from films.
Release Date And Cast Details:
Transformers will be released in the year 2020, around the twenty-fourth of June.
Earlier it was scheduled to be released on the 28th of June, the previous year in twenty nineteen. As for its cast and the crew, the information still has not made it official and will be decided and the information will be released soon.
The rumors about the Transformers movie in a huge amount and are all over the place. Two movies are scheduled to be released one of them is a sequel to the movie known as bumblebee while the other one is about the beast wars adaptation. the six live-action movies have led the series to earned $4.84 billion at the global box office. With The first five movie entries being directed by Michael Bay.