The Canadian medical drama Transplant has officially been renewed for the second season back in June this year. The television series has been created by Joseph Kay, which premiered on CTV on February 26, 2020. Well, there hasn’t been any official release date yet, but might get shifted to next year, owing to the pandemic. But the series (season 1) is reaching the American population on 1 September 2020 by NBC. The first season received great reviews and has been tagged as the “must-watch series”. Transplant will definitely fill up your heart. The backdrop of the show is in Toronto but had been shot dominantly in Montreal, but with some location shooting in Toronto for establishing shots and other scenes that require a clear Toronto geographic marker.
The official description of Transplant goes like this, “An ER doctor, who fled his native Syria to come to Canada, must overcome numerous obstacles to resume a career in the high stakes world of emergency medicine.” Each and every episode will keep you on the edge of the seat because no one can hardly contemplate what is going to happen. What makes the show so special is because of its wide diversity of casts coming from different ethnic groups; women taking the lead and having each other’s back; and compassionate people in power. The title Transplant is quite metaphorical when it comes to the lead character, Bashir- he is definitely the one being transplanted here. Saving lives is already in his blood, and hence, no other job suits him. Each and every frame perfectly fits each and every character and their ongoing development. This is basically a medical drama with its own energy and voice.
Transplant stars Hamza Haq as Dr. Bashir Hamed, Laurence Leboeuf as Dr. Magalie Leblanc, John Hannah as Dr. Jed Bishop, Ayisha Issa as Dr. June Curtis, Jim Watson as Dr. Theo Hunter, Sirena Gulamgaus as Amira Hamed, Linda E. Smith as Dr. Wendy Atwater, Sugith Varughese as Dr. Aajay Singh, Kenny Wong as Arnold, Grace Lynn Kung as Vivian and Torri Higginson as Claire.