Created by Joseph Kayl, Transplant is a Canadian medical drama television series, which premiered on February 26, 2020, on CTV. The executive producers of the show are Joseph Kay, Jocelyn Deschênes, Bruno Dube, Randy Lennox, Virginia Rankin, Jeremy Spry and Tara Woodbury.
Production on the second season was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada but commenced in February 2021. Then, it premiered on January 2, 2022, on CTV, then on March 6 on NBC. In February 2022, the series was renewed for a third season by both CTV and NBC.
So, when is the third season releasing? What is the plot? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Transplant Plot and Cast
In the recent episodes of the second season of the series Transplant, we have seen that Bash faces a decision that means life or death for a patient.
After that, Bishop is still trying to find his successor. Later, Mags can’t decide between two departments. On the other hand, a crow brings back memories for Bash. Soon, Bash, as well as Mags, get served for medical malpractice. After that, June finds out more about the condition of her dad. Later, Theo tries to help a patient with an uncommon aid.
Mags loses a patient, and after that, Bishop continues to find a replacement. Later, One of Theo’s patients helps to find aid in another patient. Let’s see what happens next. It seems that the plot of Transplant Season 2 will be continued in Transplant Season 3.
The cast of Transplant season 3 includes Hamza Haq, Laurence Leboeuf, John Hannah, Ayisha Issa, Jim Watson, Sirena Gulamgaus, Torri Higginson, Grace Lynn Kung, Sugith Varughese, Linda E. Smith, Kenny Wong, Gord Rand, Nora Guerch, Gord Ran, Nora Guercho and Ahmad Meree.
Transplant Season 3 Release Date
The release date of Transplant Season 3 has not been confirmed yet. It seems that it will soon be confirmed. We can expect Transplant Season 3 in early 2023 or mid-2023.
It will be released on CTV and NBC. We expect that Transplant Season 3 will also include a total of 13 episodes. The rest of the details shall be revealed soon.
Transplant Season 3 Trailer
The trailer of Transplant Season 3 has not been released yet. For now, you can watch the first look of Season 2 below:
A resident of Guwahati, Assam.
Assamese from words and a true Indian from the heart.
My dream and aim is to make India a discrimination-free country. Peace can be achieved only and if we treat everyone equally.
Respect the Indian Constitution.
Abide by the Article 14 of the Indian Constitution.
Say "No" to discrimination.