Turn Up Charlie is a British comedy series created by Idris Elba and Gary Reich. The series aired on Netflix. The series premiered on Netflix on 15 March 2019.
The Cast And Storyline Of Turn Up Charlie
The series casts Idris Elba as Charlie, Piper Perabo as Sara, JJ Feild as David and Frankie Hervey as Gabrielle.
The premise of the show is about Charlie who is a struggling DJ and an eternal bachelor. He is given a final chance at success when he reluctantly agrees to become a nanny to his best friend’s problematic daughter, Gabrielle. Her basic problem is that both her parents as busy and famous, so they don’t have any time to spend with her. Hence, she talks and behaves like an adult to gain their attention.
This show is very light and breezy. Idris Elba is effortless as Charlie. It seems like comedy comes to him naturally or he works hard but makes it all seem very effortless!
Elba was the backbone of Turn Up Charlie, even though it felt like eight episodes were too much of a stretch for this show; he held it all together. He was the messiah of Turn Up Charlie!
Cancellation Statement
Netflix released a statement on 27th April 2020 canceling the second season of Turn Up Charlie. The statement also said that they are extremely grateful to star Idris Elba, they also thanked executive producers Gary Reich and Tristram Shapeero, the co-executive producers and the entire cast and crew for bringing the show to life. They also said that they are looking forward to working with Idris Elba on future projects.
Turn Up Charlie is probably one of those shows I might watch when I am having a bad day and want to have a good laugh. The show is a solid, packed sitcom that can brighten up anyone’s day!