Created by Vera Miao, “Two Sentence Horror Stories” is an American anthology of the contemporary tales of horror and haunting for the diverse and digital age airing since August 8 of 2019, on The CW.
Inspired by the viral fan fiction of “Two Sentence Horror Stories”, each standalone story in this anthology series taps into universal primal fears, filtered through the anxieties of the most connected and racially diverse generation.
Two Sentence Horror Stories 2:
On May 14, 2020, The CW announced the renewal for season 2 that later premiered on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 8 P.M on The CW.
The season arrives with 10 binge-worthy episodes, each with a runtime of around 20 minutes.
Despite dizzying advancements in technology, inequality, social progress, and environmental degradation, the things that haunt us are still the same.
Will there be a Season 3?
Yes! The CW confirmed the renewal of the show for season 3 on September 17, 2020.
For more details, follow up with new updates!
Where and How can I stream “Two Sentence Horror Stories Season 2”?
The show is available for streaming on The CW and on monthly subscription service Netflix.