Two Weeks To Live is a black comedy drama series produced by the Sky network. It was released on the network’s website on 2nd September, 2020. It features celebrated Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams and Fleabag star Sian Clifford in a six episode season. Is it worth watching? What happens in the show? Keep reading to find out!
Two Weeks To Live: Plot and Cast
The show is about a young girl, Kim Noakes, who lives with her mother and tries to find out how her father died. The manner of his death was so strange that her mother hid her away in the forest and raised her there. Kim lives an isolated life there and learns several survival techniques from her mother.
After she grows up, Kim goes out into the world to honour her father’s memory. While searching for clues, she goes to a local pub run by Nicky and his brother Jay, who decide to play a prank on her. They create a mock video that shows the world will end in two weeks and show it to her, thinking she will fall for it.
Needless to say, she does, and hastens her plan to avenge her father. Soon, her mother Tina arrives in search of her. She finds that Kim and her friends have been running away from gangsters and the police with stolen cash. Kim ends up finding her father’s killer, but must save her own life and her mother’s.
Maisie Williams plays the brilliantly trained Kim Noakes while Sian Clifford plays her mother Tina. Mawaan Rizwan plays Nicky Malik and Taheen Modak plays Jay Malik. Other cast members are Sean Pertwee playing Jimmy Davies and Thalissa Teixeira playing Thompson.
Two Weeks To Live: Release Date and Trailer
The first season of this dark comedy has six episodes and came out on September 2, 2020. So far, it hasn’t been renewed for a second season, but we are hopeful it will!