The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian tragedy series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same title by Canadian author, Margaret Atwood. The plot of the series follows the dystopian world of Second America Civil War where totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called Handmaids, into child bearing task. The first season of The Handmaid’s Tale was released on 26 April 2017 on Hulu consisting of 10 episodes, and ever since then it is a successful series with three seasons in hand and many awards to its name.
The fourth season of the series is not coming out anytime soon on Hulu. Elisabeth Moss gave an update about the production of the fourth season of the award-winning series. Many others TV series has been halted in mid way of production because of the current health crisis and the outrageous pandemic of Covid-19.
The fourth season of The Handmaid’s Tale didn’t go any farther into filming, Elisabeth gave an insight about the production. They were only two weeks into the filming, and still the whole season is left to be filmed. The cast and crew want to go to work because they have families to support, rents to pay, but they just can’t risk their lived for a TV series, they are figuring out safe ways for filming, and everybody, stated by Elisabeth Moss.
The fourth season will begin shooting again as it is no where to finish and the casts have a long way ahead, and it will resume as soon as the world is in a better condition. Hence, the fans have to wait a little longer for the next season, and have to keep the curiosity store in. Besides the fourth season of The Handmaid’s Tale, there is a spin off series as well. Well, it is unclear when the next season will come and how long do we have to wait because of the delayed in the filming.
The film industry is still trying to figure out a way about filming, and what is going to happen next. Elisabeth Moss is considering the safety of the cast and crew first, and it might take a long time to begin filming again as the condition of the world is not in a good place.