Vampire Academy is a fantasy horror series and an adaptation of Richelle Mead’s novel series that bear the same name. The TV adaptation is a work of Julie Plec and Marguerite MacIntyre, who are also the executive producers of the show aside Emily Cummins, Don Murphy, Susan Montford, Deepak Nayar, and Jillian DeFrehn. Considering that the novels were adapted into a film with the same title in 2014, this series is a bold attempt to bring the characters of Mead’s story out of the book and straight into live-action, yet again. Keep reading to know more.
Vampire Academy: Plot and Cast
The plot of Vampire Academy involves two young women, or rather, two young friends who, in a world filled with privilege and glamour, give it all to attend to their educational demands and step inside the vampire society. One of the girls, Rose Hathaway, is a half-vampire Guardian and a topper of her class at St. Vladimir’s Academy, while the other, Lissa Dragomir, is a Royal-born vampire. Guardians are the ones born with the strength and speed, among an array of other physical advantages, of a superhuman and are trained from an early age to safeguard the royals, the Moroi vampires. In short, a Guardian lives to protect the paired-up royal. And then, there is the Strigoi, the army of monstrous, savage, and rather undead vampires who are a threat to the society. With all of them in the center, the story involves a thrilling political upheaval and weaves itself around the survival of the powerful.
The primary cast of Vampire Academy includes Sisi Stringer as Rose Hathaway, Daniela Nieves as Lissa Dragomir, Kieron Moore as Dimitri Beliko, André Dae Kim as Christian Ozera, J. August Richards as Victor Dashkov, Anita-Joy Uwajeh as Tatiana Vogel, Mia McKenna-Bruce as Mia Karp, Rhian Blundell as Meredith Beckham, Jonetta Kaiser as Sonya Karp, and Andrew Liner as Mason Ashford.
Vampire Academy: Release Date
Vampire Academy releases on September 15, 2022, on Peacock. The show comprises ten episodes. The first four episodes will be launched on the day of release, followed by a new episode every upcoming week.
Vampire Academy: Trailer
The official trailer of Vampire Academy is not out yet. As of now, click on the tab below and watch the official teaser of the show released by Peacock: