Walker is an action crime-drama television series. The series is a reboot of the 1993-2001 television series Walker, Texas Ranger. The series was ordered in January 2020 and the lead role is being played by Jared Padalecki. The first season premiered on 21st January 2021 and the series has been already renewed for a second season in February 2021. The series is being distributed by CBS Media Ventures and the first season is still on air. It has aired seven episodes till now and the remaining two episodes will premiere on 8th and 15th April 2021.
The trailer for the first season was released on 14th December 2020. The series has opened to positive reviews from the audience but has received mixed reactions from critics. Walker has an approval rating of 33% on Rotten Tomatoes and a score of 51 out of 100 on Metacritic. Walker has been The CW’s most-watched telecast since 30th January 2018 and the most-watched season premiere since The Flash in October 2017.
Release Date of Walker Season 2
Although Walker has been renewed for a second season in February 2021, the makers have not announced an official release date of the second season. The first season is still on-air and will end on 15th April 2021. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has halted the production of various shows and movies. Despite such conditions, we can expect the second season to arrive sometime in late 2021 or 2022.
Cast of Walker Season 2
Walker has been loved by the audience and the fans are eagerly waiting for the second season of the show. In terms of casting, the makers have not officially confirmed anything but we can expect the regular cast members to return for the second season. The lead cast of the show includes Jared Padalecki, Lindsey Morgan, Molly Hagan, Keegan Allen, Violet Brinson, Kale Cully, Coby Bell, Jeff Pierre, Mitch Pileggi, Genevieve Padalecki, Odette Annable, Chris Labadie, Alex Landi, Gabriela Flores, Karina Dominguez, Ricky Catter, Rebekah Graf, Madelyn Kientz and Alex Meneses.
Plot of Walker Season 2
The first season of Walker has aired seven episodes till now and the rest two episodes are yet to premiere on The CW. So, for now, since the makers have also not revealed anything, we cannot predict exactly what will happen in the second season. But surely it will continue from where the first season would end.