WandaVision us an American web miniseries created for Disney Plus by Jac Schaefer, produced by Marvel Studios, based on the Marvel Comics’ characters, Wanda Maximoff and Vision. The show is set in Marvel Universe with continuity with the films of the franchise. The plot and events of the series will take place after The Avengers: Endgame.
Reportedly, Marvel Studios will resume the production of WandaVision in July 2020. The phase four of Marvel Universe is filled with sequels and new movies, alongside MCU moves to small screen which is Disney Plus with new series. Disney streaming service will host many new series that are linked with the movies as well. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is still under production, but WandaVision will arrive few months earlier before them.
Disney moved the release date of WandaVision to December 2020 will consist of six episodes only. The halt in the production of the series happened because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, the series was about to finish the filming which stars Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet and Paul Bettany as Vision. There was a wrap party in March 2020 but still some work need to be done.
It is certain that the leftover work of production of WandaVision will resume in July 2020. Depending on how many weeks of filming for WandaVision is left. It is likely possible that it will release as scheduled by Disney i.e, in December 2020.
Hollywood is giving out guidelines on how to resume production work after the time of Covid-19, WandaVision might be one of the series to return to work by July 2020. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier has still many days of filming left, which is making it is difficult to release them on the schedule release month i.e, August 2020. With WandaVision resuming its work in July, it seems like Marvel will solidify their plans of releasing the movies, and sequels, and hopefully that will know soon!