Written and directed by Nida Manzoor, “We Are Lady Parts” is a British television sitcom that follows an eponymous British punk rock band, which consists entirely of Muslim women, the first season of which was first released as a pilot in 2018 and commissioned for a six-episode series that premiered in the UK on May 20, 2021, on Channel 4.
The series premiered in the US on Thursday, June 3, 2021, on Peacock.
When Amina Hussein (Anjana Vasan) walks into the dingy, underlit halal butcher shop in East London, she’s looking for a husband. Specifically, the mysterious Muslim man with radiant eyes, long hair, and a full beard, who, earlier in the day, handed her a flyer leading to this very location. What she finds instead is a band.
We Are Lady Parts, a Peacock original comedy, is the chaotic and delightfully entertaining story of how Amina, a shy, naïve graduate student who spends more time with microbes than people, becomes the newest member of Lady Parts, an all-women Muslim punk rock group. (It joins the streaming service’s other acclaimed original comedy about a group of female musicians, Girls5eva, though the characters in that show are in their 40s and their music is nostalgic 90s pop.)
Where can I watch “We Are Lady Parts”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Channel 4 in the UK, and on Peacock in the US.