The French comedy television series, Weekend Family is created for children and teenagers by Baptiste Filleul. It is directed by Pierre-Francoid, Sophie Reine, and Martin-Laval.
The first season of the series was released on February 23, 2022, and received a positive response from critics and audiences. Currently, the series is rated 5.9/10 on IMDb, and considering the positive responses, the creators have already renewed the series for a second season, which is soon coming on Disney+.
So, when is the second season released? What is the plot? Who would come back to play their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Weekend Family Season 2 Release Date
The developers have renewed the show for a second season in June 2022, but the official release has not been confirmed yet. The first season of the show debuted in 2022 and managed to gain a huge fan base in just a few days.
Weekend Family Season 2 might consist of eight episodes like the first season. The series is produced by Elephant International and distributed by Disney Platform Distribution.
Weekend Family Season 2 Plot and Cast
The basic premise of the show revolves around Fred, who is the fun and irresistible father of a very diverse family. As a perpetual joker, he tries to be a good father to his daughters Clara, Victoire, and Romy, of whom he only takes custody on weekends. Even though his daughters’ mothers love Fred, Laurence, Marie-Ange, and Helena all had good reasons to leave him. The mothers are never far away, and neither is Stan, Fred’s best friend.
Coming to the expected cast lineups for the upcoming season, they include Eric Judor, Daphnee Cote Halle, Liona Bordonaro, Roxane Barrazuol, Midie Dreyfus, Jeanne Bournaud, Annabel Lopez, Annelise Hesme, Hafid F. Benamar, and Sephora Pondi.
Weekend Family Season 2 Trailer
The trailer for Weekend Family Season 2 is not released yet. but as of now, you can watch the trailer from the first season of the series below: