The Fallout 76 has a few updates regarding the new, and fresh roadmap. Bethesda, an American video game publisher refers to the map, ‘seasons’, and brings in tons of release information.
The reason behind naming it ‘seasons’ is that, each content will be released during each season of the year. So, precisely, the fans of Fallout 76 DLC is going to have an eventful year when it comes to gaming. And the content that is released during each season will have a special element that will stay unique to that particular season’s release. But also, one particular season’s content will not have access to the other season’s content. This game’s season strategy seems like a Destiny and Apex Legends system of season-wise content release.
Also, the original atoms system is replaced by what is called S.C.O.R.E. points. These points are the ones that build your seasonal score. A little change in the strategy is that the game gives in tasks to achieve your seasonal points. But of course, the game doesn’t allow you to go a long way to achieve it. Every time you win a certain amount of activities, a reward will get unlocked for you. And an inevitable double or just additional points for crossing milestone levels.
More details about the release:
The game also provides access to skip levels through the atom points collected. Also, each seasonal content will be available for straight 10 weeks and skipping levels is possible only after 2 weeks of starting the game.
Also, before the big seasonal content release of Fallout 76 DLC, a few additional cum major releases are pending. And they are more likely to hit the game stations late this year (2020). The additional features are Legendary Perks, Public Teams, Colossus boss, a Steel Dawn questline, and a power to built immediate interiors.
To make things clear, the roadmap has been uploaded which can be seen below:
Definitely, the new release of Fallout 76 is said to have a better game title that the first, and for this, a special thanks to Bethesda is worth giving.