Horizon Zero Dawn is a Guerrilla Games-created adventure game published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The story follows Aloy, a tracker who sets out to find her past in a world dominated by robots. To counter mechanical creatures and other hostile powers, the player uses ranged weapons, a spear, and stealth. An ability tree introduces new skills and rewards to the player.
PC Version
The game will be available for PC from 7th August. It will be available for $49.99, both for Steam as well as the Epic Games Store. Guerilla Games launched a new trailer for the full Horizon Zero Dawn version on Friday.
The 90-second trailer includes a range of updates and upgrades to the PC version. Including ultra-wide display support, dynamic scenery, deep graphics configuration settings, enhanced reflections, and extended controller options.
Guerilla Games hasn’t defined a resolution/fps combination or a related preset. So some players will need to experiment with the built-in test method on their hardware for optimum performance.
In March, Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Worldwide Studios, said of Horizon’s PC port, “I think we must remain open to new concepts on how to bring more users to PlayStation, and even give them what they’ve missed out on.” Horizon Zero Dawn is the first original PS4 to move to a second device.
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PC players who haven’t had the chance to experience Horizon Zero Dawn will get to enjoy what is generally known as one of the best PS4 games today. To current HZD players, revisiting Aloy’s first adventure ahead of the sequel, Horizon Forbidden West, which Guerrilla and Playstation are expected to unleash next year on PS5 might be a perfect reason.
Guerrilla revealed a stunning-looking PS5 sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn, named Horizon Forbidden West, during last month’s PS5 event at Sony. However, there is currently no development date for planned follow-up.