Centered on 17-year-old John B (played by Chase Stokes) who lives on the titular Outer Banks, an island chain in North Carolina – and his group of friends, the Pogues; Outer Bank Season 1 was a huge hit on Netflix.
Released on April 15, 2020, it took less than a fortnight for viewers to binge their way through it and are now calling on Netflix to make a second season. However, Netflix has not renewed the show for Season 2.
One happy viewer wrote: “I’ve just finished Outer Banks and it is the best show I’ve seen in my 21 years of life and I need a season 2 now!”
Jonas Pate revealed that he is in the process of composing Season 2 and that he and collaborators Josh Pate and Shannon Burke picture the series as what the website called a “four-season novel”. If new episodes are ordered in May, then Outer Banks season 2 will be filmed later in the year and will likely be published in 2021. Outer Banks Season 2 will launch sometime in April or May 2021.
Madelyn Cline ( who plays Sarah) seems like she would definitely be on board.
She told Glamour: “I am really interested to see where the Pogues go after this. Do they stick together? Do they disband?”
Some new faces are expected to be included in for exceptional measures. Pate revealed that Season 2 when it’s greenlit will start on the Caribbean Island.
Pate told The Wrap, ” It is definitely looking like The Bahamas at the beginning of Season 2, that that’s where we are gonna go.
Outer Bank Season 1 streaming on Netflix is worth a binge-watch. About Season 2, it seems probable that we are going to have to wait some time for filming to begin even if the next period is commissioned.