Directed by Marc Forster and written by Mark Bomback, White Bird: A Wonder Story is an upcoming American war drama, which is based on the 2019 graphic novel of the same name by R. J. Palacio. The upcoming film is considered a spin-off, prequel, and “companion piece” to the 2017 coming-of-age film Wonder. The basic premise of the story follows Julian, who has left Beecher Prep for good. His grandmother comes to visit him from Paris and shares some incidents of her past.
So, when the upcoming film is coming out? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Keep reading to know further details.
White Bird: A Wonder Story Plot and Cast
The basic premise of the show focuses on Julian, who has left Beecher Prep for good. His grandmother comes to visit him from Paris and shares some incidents of her past. During World War II, Julian’s grandmother was a young Jewish girl in Nazi-occupied France, while being hidden from the Nazis by a distant classmate and his parents.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Helen Mirren as “Grandmere” Sara Albans, Bryce Gheisar as Julian Albans, Gillian Anderson as Vivienne, Ariella Glaser as young Sara Albans, Orlando Schwerdt as Julian I, and many more are there.
White Bird: A Wonder Story Release Date
The upcoming film was originally planned to release on October 14, 2022. However, it got delayed for some reason. Many things are yet to be disclosed but we can expect them to come out in some days since the release date is approaching.
The makers of the film announced in January 2023 that the film is scheduled to be aired on August 18, 2023, followed by a wide release on August 25, 2023.
White Bird: A Wonder Story Trailer
The official trailer for the film has arrived already. You can watch out the trailer below: