Created by Marc Cherry, Why Women Kill is an American dark comedy-drama anthology television series. The show is set in multiple periods, and it depicts the events leading to deaths caused by women. Cherry is also the executive producer of the show along with Michael Hanel, Mindy Schultheis, Brian Grazer, Francie Calfo, Marc Webb, Samie Kim Falvey, David Warren, Austin Guzman and Curtis Kheel.
The first season of the show premiered on August 15, 2019, on CBS All Access followed by the second season on June 3, 2021, on Paramount+. In December 2021, the developers of the show renewed the series for a third season.
So, when is the third season releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Why Women Kill Plot and Cast
Why Women Kill focuses on the lives of frustrated women who kill their husbands or relatives out of anger and depression. The series is based on a murder mystery.
The first season is based on the adventures of three women, one from the 80s, one from the 60s, and a lawyer from 2019. These three women faced infidelity in their marriages, following complications made by their husbands obliged them to take their respective husbands’ lives.
The second season portrays a woman’s societal complications, and the story will take various twists and turns, resulting in deaths. The upcoming season is set with a new story consisting of murder mystery and dark humour.
The makers of the show have not disclosed anything about the actors and characters of the show, keeping it a secret till the release of the trailer. They mentioned that they were going to cast new actors and the third season does not have any link with the show’s previous seasons.
Why Women Kill Season 3 Release Date
Why Women Kill Season 3 is all set to premiere on Paramount+. The developers did not finalize the release date yet, but they confirmed that they would announce it soon.
The latest season of the series will contain ten episodes, just like the previous seasons, and the rest of the details shall be disclosed soon.
Why Women Kill Season 3 Trailer
As of now, there is no news on the trailer release of Why Women Kill Season 3. But the makers confirmed that they would launch the show’s trailer soon this year. For now, you can check the trailer of Season 2 below: