Developed by Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman, Young Justice is an American superhero animated TV series. The series is based on Young Justice comic series by Todd Dezago, Todd Nauck and Lary Stucker. However, it is not simply an adaptation of the comic series but rather the adaptation of the DC Universe. Well, the good news is on July 20, 2019, at San Diego Comic-Con, it was declared that DC Universe had renewed the series for a fourth season and fans were excited. Get ready for some more adventure!
The title of the fourth season was given out at the DC Fandome, the panel for Young Justice on September 12th 2020 along with few other details about the upcoming season. The fourth season of this amazing series is titled Young Justice: Phantoms.
Release Date and Trailer:
The show is produced by Warner Bros. Animation, the first 3 seasons of Young Justice are available on DC Universe. Season 3 of Young Justice premiered on DC Universe on January 4, 2019. Season 2 and 3 are titled Young Justice: Invasion and Young Justice: Outsiders respectively. The creators of the show have not given out any release date yet of season 4. The trailer of season 4 is not yet out. According to DC Publisher Jim Lee, DC Universe’s original content will be moved to HBO Max. But we are not yet sure whether this series will move to HBO Max or not.
What is it about?
“The series follows the lives of teenage superheroes and sidekicks who are members of a fictional covert operation group referred to simply as ‘the team’.” (Source- Wiki)
The series is a perfect blend of different genres. It has action, adventure, science fiction, superhero and teen drama. The panel did not give out details about the storlyine of the fourth season of the series.
In a recent interview, Weisman stated while commenting about the hurdles in production during the pandemic “We’re all working from home. And for the most part, when it comes to the pre-production, the script writing, the storyboards, design work, we’ve successfully transitioned to working at home. It’s not quite as much fun to not be in the office and have everyone together, but we’re doing it. That’s not a problem. The thing that’s been tough, as these guys have indicated, is voice recording, where we used to record everyone together as much as possible in a room for the first three seasons.”
Who is in it?
The main voice cast members of the series are Jason Spisak (Kid Flash / Forager), Khary Payton (Aqualad), Stephanie Lemelin (Tigress), Nolan North (Superman / Superboy), Denise Boutte (Rocket), Danica McKellar (Miss Martian) and Crispin Freeman (Red Arrow / Arsenal).