Created by Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung, and Camilla Holter, “Young Royals” is a Swedish-Scandinavian coming-of-age drama series starring Edvin Ryding, Omar Rudberg, Malte Gårdinger, and follows Prince Wilhelm as he tries to adjust to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart is proving more challenging than anticipated, the first season of which premiered on Thursday, July 1, 2021, on Netflix.
Young Royals tells the story of Prince Wilhelm (played by Edvin Ryding). After getting himself involved in a big scandal, Wilhelm is sent to boarding school. According to the official Netflix synopsis, attending the prestigious boarding school of Hillerska will finally give the prince the opportunity to explore his true self. Wilhelm’s dream of a future filled with freedom and unconditional love far away from royal obligations proves more challenging than anticipated when he becomes next in line to the Swedish throne. He must make a choice between love and duty.
Wilhelm, who wanted to attend a regular school, soon finds himself drawn to a non-resident student, Simon (Omar Rudberg), after hearing him sing in the school choir. Simon and his sister Sara (Frida Argento), both scholarship students, are outcasts in the school and don’t seem to mingle too much with their fellow classmates. They do not have the same background of privilege and money like everyone else at the school. It is these two characters that pull the series out of the cliché teen drama of the over-privileged kids at an elite school.
Exclusively available for streaming only on Netflix.