Created by Chun Sung-il, Lee Jae-kyoo, and Kim Nam-Su, All of Us Are Dead is a South Korean coming-of-age zombie apocalypse horror streaming television series. Based on the Naver webtoon Now at Our School by Joo Dong-Geun, the series premiered on Netflix on January 28, 2022.
Following the release of Season 1, the series was watched over 362.64 million hours in its first 30 days on the service. On June 6, 2022, the series was renewed for a second season.
So, when is the second season released? What is the plot? Who will come back to play their leadership roles? Keep reading to know further details.
All of Us Are Dead Plot and Cast
All of Us Are Dead ended with almost everyone dead. Following the initial outbreak, the city of Hyosan was quickly overrun by the zombie menace, and then, in turn, most of the undead were destroyed by the Korean military’s bombing.
While most of the survivors had their stories wrapped up, it’s entirely possible that the outbreak could still resurface. All it would take is one zombie to ruin everything all over again. And then there’s Nam-Ra, who somehow managed to retain her humanity even after the infection ravaged her body. It turns out that she’s just one of many hybrids who can use the virus to their advantage, becoming extra strong and resistant to pain.
The problem is that the hunger for human flesh remains, so that’s another threat new episodes could sink their teeth into. At the end of Joo Dong-Geun’s original webtoon, Nam-Ra ends up with her friends instead of the hybrids, which is very different from the show’s current trajectory.
However, there is also a tease that suggests the virus has now spread to Japan, and that’s something season two could explore, whether the show just hints at it or whether the entire story is moved overseas. That latter option does seem unlikely though given that All of Us Are Dead is a South Korean production.
Now coming to the cast, it includes Park Ji-Hu as Nam Onjo and Park Solomon as Lee Suhyeok. We can assume that all the survivors will return now since Season 2 has gotten the green light. The Season 2 announcement does say that Park Jihu, Yoon Chan Young, Cho Yihyun, and Lomon will be “back to school” so we can officially say this is not the end for Cheongsan.
All of Us Are Dead Season 2 Release Date
All of Us Are Dead currently holds an average rating of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. Though Netflix has not announced a release date yet, the season two announcement was unveiled on June 6.
The new season might consist of 12 episodes like the first season, although an official confirmation is awaited. The series is produced by Film Monster and Kim Jong-hak Production.
All of Us Are Dead Season 2 Trailer
The makers released an announcement video for All of Us Are Dead Season 2 a month ago. Check it below: