Created by Liz Feldman, Dead to Me is an American dark comedy streaming television series. The series premiered on May 3, 2019, on Netflix. The first season received positive reviews. In June 2019, Netflix renewed the series for a second season which was released on May 8, 2020.
In July 2020, the series was renewed for a third and final season. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, production of the third season was delayed until late spring 2021 and was then further delayed by Applegate’s multiple sclerosis diagnosis. The third season is scheduled to premiere soon.
So when is the upcoming season is releasing? What is the plot? Who are playing the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Dead to Me Plot and Cast
At the end of season two, the duo was involved in a road traffic accident when Ben, who was three sheets to the wind, crashed into them, destroying Charlie’s new car in the process.
But Judy looked in better shape than Jen, who was sitting on the side of the car that Ben ploughed into. Judy also didn’t spot that it was Ben behind the wheel after he quickly drove off, opening up a whole new can of worms.
We’d expect season three to follow the same pattern as season one and pick up right where we left off, with Jen and Judy once again in a big mess, and Ben frantically trying to dump his car and pretend that he was elsewhere.
The main cast of the series Dead to Me includes Christina Applegate, Sam McCarthy, Linda Cardellini, Luke Roessler, James Marsden, Max Jenkins, Diana Maria Riva, and Brandon Scott.
Dead to Me Season 3 Release Date
The third season of Dead to Me was renewed a long time back in 2020. Although it was delayed for certain reasons, it is now scheduled to release on 17 November, 2022.
Those who want to watch the show can purchase a Netflix subscription which is available at a rate of Rs. 149 to Rs. 649. Further details shall be revealed soon.
Dead to Me Season 3 Trailer
The trailer for Dead to Me Season 3 has not been released yet. However, we can expect it to be out a week before the release of the show. Until then you can check the trailer of the second season below: