Created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona, Elite is a Thriller Teen Drama series networked by Netflix. The show received recognition just after the first season itself which premiered on Netflix in 2018. Soon the creators came up with the release of two more seasons in 2019 and 2020 respectively. The show does justice to its genre and even though it is a teen drama, people from all the age groups appreciated it for its plot and assorted themes.
The good news is Netflix has renewed Elite for not only a 4th season but also a fifth one. Fans are excited to know what happens in the next season.
Release Date and Trailer of Elite Season 4:
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the production of many shows had to be wrapped up. So we might see a delay in the release of Elite Season 4 as well. As of now, we do not have an official trailer or a release date by Netflix. However, we are hoping for a new season in 2021. The cast is seen teasing a video of their return for the fourth season.
The Plot of the Show:
Set in Las Encinas, the premise is an elite secondary school. In the past three seasons, the story orbited around “the relationship between three working-class teenage students enrolled at the school through a scholarship and their wealthy classmates”(Source: wiki). There is a clash of lifestyles and rivalry portrayed in the series due to the class differences.
Every season ends with a twist, for instance, Season one ended with Marina’s murder. Each of the characters has their own journey and dark secrets. Season 3 ends with Guzmán, Samuel, Rebeca, Ander and Omar all present at Las Encinas, we are assuming that season 4 will traverse what occurs to them when they meet each other and the new students. Not much of plot is clear yet for the 4th season.
The Cast of the show:
In every season of Elite, we get to see new faces and some old ones. This season too, we will get to see some important faces: Itzan Escamilla, Miguel Bernardeau, Arón Piper, and Omar Ayuso.
The new faces have also been declared: Carla Díaz, Martina Cariddi, Manu Rios and Pol Granch will join the rest of the cast in season 4. However, we have to bid farewell to a few faces in season 4 of the series.