Judge Steve Harvey is an American arbitration-based reality court comedy show directed by Ryan Polito. Hosted by Steve Harvey the show premiered on ABC on January 4, 2022. Harvey is also the executive producer alongside Brandon Williams, Jesse Ignjatovic, Jared Morrell, Evan Prager, and Myeshia Mizuno. In April 2022, the series was renewed for a second season which is set to premiere soon.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the format? Who will come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Judge Steve Harvey Format and Cast
The show is not one of the scripted legal shows but involves real-life people with the issues that they present to the judge, Steve Harvey. The issues brought to court are not limited to a specific topic. It ranges from marriage to divorce to friendships and every agreement possible, and the diversity is what keeps it fresh.
Steve does not judge the cases alone as he employs the help of Nancy, his trusted Bailiff, to help him reason and brainstorm, and of course, Steve uses his intuition and logic to come up with the perfect solutions for the arguments. We are yet to receive an outline of how the second season will go down but being that Steve Harvey is still the judge, brace yourself for the best time of your lives.
Just like the series name suggests, Judge Steve Harvey is the show’s protagonist. The other cast members are Judge Judy, The Bailiff, and Nancy Price, who gives the audience the necessary instructions before the start of each episode.
Judge Steve Harvey Season 2 Release Date
In April 2022, the series was renewed for a second season. If production finishes in due time, we should expect the series to be out by mid-2023. The previous season had 12 episodes, each with a run time of 42 minutes, and the second season might be an improvement of the first or remain constant.
The first season premiered on January 4th, 2022, and stood on a 9/10 on IMDB. The show is produced by Den of Thieves in association with Disney Branded Television.
Judge Steve Harvey Season 2 Trailer
A trailer for the series Judge Steve Harvey Season 2 is yet to be released. As of now, you can watch the promo from season 1 below: