Developed by Primal Game Studio, Mandragora is an upcoming video game that is set to be published by Marvelous Europe. This game belongs to three different genres including Action, Indie, and RPG. The upcoming game is still under development and is scheduled to arrive soon on multiple platforms. Online sources have stated that the developers are going to add a lot of thrilling elements to it.
This article will help you to find out the latest details of Mandragora including the release date, gameplay, etc. Check out everything here.
Mandragora: Release Date
As of the article writing, the developers have not revealed much about Mandragora. However, we can expect it to be released sometime in 2024 or 2025. For now, the makers have confirmed that Mandragora is going to be released on multiple platforms, including Windows PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.
Mandragora: Gameplay
Mandragora is currently in its development phase and it is hard to determine anything regarding the gameplay for now. However, sources have revealed that the game is going to be an action RPG which means that we can expect to see a different kind of environment alongside some unique characters. But time will say what other surprises are in store for the gamers.
While the gameplay trailer has been released for the public, a lot of details about the gameplay remain unknown for now. But the game will reportedly feature a world where players have to explore a world which will be a home of some terrifying creatures who have been hiding behind the walls. The main task will be to take down the creatures.
For now, there is no confirmation if the game would be set in the past, present or a future world. It is hard to speculate anything and details would be disclosed once a release date is confirmed.
Mandragora: Trailer
The official gameplay trailer of Mandragora has been released already and it features everything that the gamers would get to witness in the upcoming game. Check it out below: