Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander is a historical drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Moore is also the executive producer alongside Jim Kohlberg, Andy Harries, Maril Davis, Ira Steven Behr, Toni Graphia, Anne Kenney, Matthew B. Roberts, and Marigo Kehoe.
The first season of the series premiered on August 9, 2014, followed by five more seasons until 2022. It received positive reviews from critics and currently holds an approval rating of 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. The series is soon coming back with its eighth season.
So, when is the eighth season released? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Outlander Plot and Cast
The makers have not revealed the plot details for Outlander Season 7 and 8. However, it is expected to continue from where it ended in the previous season. Further details shall be revealed soon.
Season 6 ended with some big cliffhangers that would be followed in Season 7. Claire is imprisoned in Wilmington and could be put on trial for the murder of Tom Christie’s daughter Malva and would be hanged if found guilty. Jamie has been rescued from the clutches of Richard Brown’s Committee of Safety and Young Ian and John Quincy Myers is on the way to rescue her, presumably planning another prison break.
The new season would reveal who killed Malva and what the significance of the reappearance of time traveler Wendigo Donner means for the Fraser family. The seventh season will be based on Gabaldon’s 7th book, An Echo in the Bone however the developers have not revealed much about the eighth season.
Although the cast members have not been revealed, we can expect the return of Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser and Sam Heughan as James “Jamie” Fraser. The rest of the details will be disclosed in the next few months.
Outlander Season 8 Release Date
The latest season of Outlander premiered in March 2022 and two more seasons are soon coming on Starz. However, we can expect the eight season to come out in 2025.
The number of episodes for the new season is not confirmed as it has been different in the first six seasons. The series is distributed by Sony Pictures Television.
Outlander Season 8 Trailer
The developers have not released a trailer for Outlander Season 8. Until it comes out, you can check the trailer for Season 7 below: