Created by Michael Lucas and Christine Bartlett, Five Bedrooms is an Australian comedy-drama television series, which first screened on Network…
Created by Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Segel, Shrinking is an American comedy-drama television series. The executive producers of…
Created and written by Andy Wolton, Trying is a comedy television series produced for Apple TV+. Wolton is also the…
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer…
Directed by Pato Safa and Javier Colinas, Daddies on Request is a Mexican comedy-drama streaming television series specially made for…
Created by Amy Schumer, Life & Beth is a comedy-drama series made for Hulu. Schumer is also the executive producer…
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Sameā¦ or Not is a comedy-drama series made for…
The comedy-drama television mini-series, Wolf Like Me is written and directed by Abe Forsythe. Bruna Papandrea, Jodi Matterson, Josh Gad,…
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer…
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer…