Created by Michael Lucas and Christine Bartlett, Five Bedrooms is an Australian comedy-drama television series, which first screened on Network 10. The executive producers of the...
Created by Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Segel, Shrinking is an American comedy-drama television series. The executive producers of the show include Bill Lawrence, Jason...
Created and written by Andy Wolton, Trying is a comedy television series produced for Apple TV+. Wolton is also the executive producer alongside Jim O’Hanlon and...
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer alongside Andrew Fleming, Tony Hernandez, and...
Directed by Pato Safa and Javier Colinas, Daddies on Request is a Mexican comedy-drama streaming television series specially made for children and adolescents. The show was...
Created by Amy Schumer, Life & Beth is a comedy-drama series made for Hulu. Schumer is also the executive producer alongside Kevin Kane, Daniel Powell, and...
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Same… or Not is a comedy-drama series made for Disney+. The show is written by...
The comedy-drama television mini-series, Wolf Like Me is written and directed by Abe Forsythe. Bruna Papandrea, Jodi Matterson, Josh Gad, Isla Fisher, and Steve Hutensky are...
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer alongside Andrew Fleming, Tony Hernandez, and...
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer alongside Andrew Fleming, Tony Hernandez, and...