Beat Shazam is a reality game show on Fox. The show is hosted by Jamie Foxx. The concept of the show has been developed by Jeff Apploff and Wes Kauble. Jamie Foxx, the host of the show, also serves as an executive producer, along with Jeff Apploff, Mark Burnett, Rich Riley, Lauren Zalaznick, and Barry Poznick. Jamie Foxx’s daughter, Corinne Foxx appears as the deejay on Beat Shazam.
Beat Shazam first aired on Fox on May 25, 2017. The first season ended in September 2017. The second season aired in May of the following year, and the third season in May of 2019. All three seasons so far have had fourteen episodes each. The concept of Beat Shazam is this-
“Three teams of two players each compete through five rounds (four rounds in season 2) to identify a series of songs, banking money for each correct answer. After the fifth round (fourth round in season 2), the highest-scoring team plays head-to-head against the Shazam app, attempting to increase their winnings by naming up to six songs before it can identify them. Any team that beats Shazam on all six songs wins a grand prize of $1,000,000.”
Beat Shazam Season 4- What we know so far
Beat Shazam has continuously maintained steady ratings and viewership numbers across its three seasons. According to the data released by Fox, the game show had an average of 3.2 million viewers per episode in season 3. The show was also nominated under the Choice Summer TV Show category in 2017 and 2018, at the Teen Choice Awards.
Beat Shazam has also featured a plethora of celebrity guests, including Mariah Carey, Shaquille O’Neal, TLC, Snoop Dogg, Odell Beckham Jr., Michael Bolton, Smokey Robinson, and more. The third season ranked among summer’s Top 25 broadcast programs in the adults 18-49 category. With the positive ratings and huge viewership numbers, a fourth season was inevitable.
Fox renewed Beat Shazam for a fourth season in January 2020. Season 4 will premiere in the 2020-21 season. Jamie Foxx will be back as host and presenter. His daughter, Corinne Foxx will also be back as the show’s deejay. As of now, no official premiere date has been announced for season 4 of Beat Shazam.