Created by Charlie Brooker, Black Mirror is a British anthology television series and is based on The Twilight Zone and uses technology to comment on contemporary social issues. The series premiered on December 4, 2011 on Channel 4.
Individual episodes of the series explore a diversity of genres, but most are set in near-future dystopias utilising a science fiction technology, a type of speculative fiction. In May 2022, Netflix renewed the series for sixth season.
So, when is Black Mirror Season 6 releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to play the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Black Mirror Plot and Cast
Ahead of their release, Black Mirror storylines are always a closely guarded secret, and the same goes for Season 6. To date, 20 of Black Mirror’s 22 episodes have been written by Brooker. Jesse Armstrong wrote the Season 1 episode “The Entire History of You” starring Toby Kebbell and Jodie Whittaker, while Rashida Jones and Mike Schur wrote the teleplay for the Season 3 episode “Nosedive”.
It’s unclear what Brooker is cooking up for Black Mirror Season 6, but it’s quite possible that themes from the pandemic will play a key role. Brooker has also been focusing on his comedy work since the last Black Mirror season was released, so perhaps some dark humor is also in store.
Now coming to the cast, since it is an anthology series, there is no confirmation on who would appear. However, the details should be revealed in the next few months.
Black Mirror Season 6 Release Date
Black Mirror initially aired on Channel 4 for the first two seasons. It was later picked up by Netflix and it ran for three seasons on the streaming platform. The sixth season will also stream on Netflix, although the release date is yet to be confirmed.
The number of episodes are not confirmed as it has been different in the first five seasons. The series was distributed by Endemol Shine UK and currently by Banijay.
Black Mirror Season 6 Trailer
The developers have not yet released a trailer for Black Mirror Season 6. But for now, you can watch the trailer of Season 5 below:
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Assamese from words and a true Indian from the heart.
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