The German sci-fi thriller series Dark premiered on Netflix in 2017 and soon turned out to be a massive hit. This is the first-ever German Netflix Original show. The simplistic style of narration is extraordinary and the actors have done a marvelous job. The mystery of the time-travel tunnel where disappear into the future on one turn and reappear into the past on another got viewers wanting for more and more episodes after every season!
The success of the show bigger than what the creators could have possibly ever imagined before its release. “It’s something you hope for, but it actually hit us really hard,” told the show’s co-creator, Jantje Friese, to IndieWire. “Two weeks after the release of season one, I was on Twitter honestly 24 hours a day. I was so miserable because… somehow you’re really more prepared for failure then success I guess.
“It was a very, very odd time, but also great to know the fans just embraced what you’ve done so much. It’s heart-wrenching and really put a lot of press pressure on season two. For two or four weeks I was completely lost to the world.”
Release Date
The final season of Dark will release on 27th June as IMDb puts it. Nevertheless, no official release date or trailer from Netflix has been out yet. The first and second season had a gap of a year-and-a-half between them but the last season is expected to have only a year’s gap.
In season 3 of Dark, we will again see Louis Hofmann as Jonas, Jordis Triebel as Katharina, Karoline Eichhorn as Charlotte, Mark Waschke as Noah, Moritz Jahn as Magnus, Sandra Borgmann as old Elizabeth, Carlotta von Falkenhayn as Elisabeth, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer youngest Jonas and Leopold Hornung as Wöller. We will also see Lee van Acken as the unknown woman from the future.
The concluding season of the show will have to wind up some loose ends and give closures to cliffhangers. Though fans do not very show whether the complicated plot of the show will have a concrete end or not. They are anticipating several possibilities about how Jonas might finally decode the mystery of his bizarre German town by stopping his future self from restarting the time-loops.