Developed by Tracy Oliver, Harlem was an American comedy-drama television series. This 10-episode series follows four girlfriends who met while attending New York University and are now in their thirties, living in Harlem, as they try to balance love, life, and their careers as working professionals.
The series received generally favorable reviews from critics, earning nominations at the Black Reel Awards and NAACP Image Awards, both for direction and cast of actors.
So, what is the release date for season 3? What is the plot? Who would return to play the lead roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Harlem Season 3 Plot and Cast
Season 1 ended with different events happening in the lives of all four friends. Camille realizes her feelings for her former lover and meets Ian the night before her wedding. She also confesses her love which leaves Ayan surprised. Ian expresses his frustration with Camille and admits his love for her. Ty then gets involved in a legal battle with Brandon, saying that he is not willing to lose so easily. Quinn also does the same with Isabella and on the other hand, Angie’s music is damaged due to a letter from Jordan Pyle, who tells her to stop production due to the mischief with Angie. The upcoming season is supposed to start from Angie’s Music Night and Ian is forced to select between his fiance and Camille for the afterlife. She then develops with Quinn while Isabella takes her first steps and Angie escapes from the musical fate to revive her career. There is a possibility that Harlem might describe the absolute power and spirit of four women.
We might get to see Hopi Goldberg as Dr Alice Prout, Tyler Lepley as Ian, Sullivan Jones as Jameson Royce, Kate Rockwell as Anna, Jonathan Burke as Eric, Juan Feliz as Isabella, Robert Richard as Sean, and Brandon May come back. A lot.
Harlem Season 3 Release Date
The series debuted on December 3, 2021, and was followed by the second season on February 3, 2023. The first season has ten episodes and the second season has eight episodes but the number of episodes for season 3 is yet to be confirmed.
On December 6, 2023, Harlem renewed the series for a third season. However, the developers have not confirmed an official release date of it.
Harlem Season 3 Trailer
There is no trailer available for Harlem Season 3 yet. As of now, you can watch the trailer from the second season below: