Created by Taylor Sheridan and Hugh Dillon, Mayor of Kingstown is an American crime thriller television series. The project was first announced in January 2020, when Paramount Network ordered the series. The executive producers of the show are Taylor Sheridan, Hugh Dillon, Jeremy Renner, Antoine Fuqua, David Glasser, Ronald Burkle, Bob Yari, and Michael Friedman.
The series premiered on November 14, 2021, on Paramount+. The show received a 32% approval rating with an average rating of 5.8/10, based on 25 critic reviews from Rotten Tomatoes. In February 2022, the series was renewed for a second season.
So, when the upcoming season is releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Mayor of Kingstown Plot and Cast
In the Season 1 finale, we are taken inside a shocking prison riot after a season of brewing discontent within the prisons that Mike, as their appointed ‘advocate,’ failed to de-escalate. The riot quickly spirals out of control, with prisoners, prison guards, and police officers all finding themselves on the receiving ends of bullets — including the riot’s ringleader, P-Dog, who is shot dead.
Although the riot is over, it seems likely that the aftermath of the events and how it impacted the main characters will be a crucial plot point in the upcoming second season. Although Mike and their brother Kyle both make it out of the riot alive, they definitely suffered their fair share of trauma. Kyle had a panic attack while in the sewers of the prison, while Mike, who had already seen a lot, went home to find that Iris has narrowly avoided a bear attack.
As the heart of the show, it’s a given that Jeremy Renner will be back as Mike McLusky alongside his on-screen mother, Dianne Wiest. We can also expect Taylor Handley, Emma Laird, Tobi Bamtefa, Derek Webster, Hamish Allan-Headley, Pha’rez Lass, and Aidan Gillen.
Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Release Date
One thing we know for certain is that Mayor of Kingstown season 2 is definitely on the way. On February 1, 2022, Paramount Plus officially announced the show was being renewed for a second season.
It seems likely we will be getting Season 2 of Mayor of Kingstown by the end of 2022. The second season might have the same number of episodes like the previous one. Further details shall be revealed soon.
Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Trailer
For now, the trailer for the new season has not arrived yet. In the meantime, you can watch the trailer of Season below: