Created by Eliot Laurence, “Motherland: Fort Salem” is an American supernatural drama television series starring Taylor Hickson as Raelle Collar, Jessica Sutton as Tally Craven, and Ashley Nicole Williams as Abigail Bellweather, three witches conscripted into the U.S. Army, the first season of which aired on March 18, 2020.
Set in an alternate America where witches ended their persecution by cutting a deal with the government to fight for the country, Season Two of Motherland: Fort Salem continues to follow the three young women from training to deployment, as they fight terrorist threats with supernatural tactics, and premiered on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, at 10:00 P.M on Freeform.
Creator Eliot Laurence previously revealed that season 2 is will begin “on the ground in a Spree cell. We’re going to learn what that feels like — we’re going to see how the Spree’s changing. It’s going to be very dramatic.”
Season 2 will also intensify Raelle and Abigail’s magic training when they are promoted to attend War College, where their powers, relationships, and beliefs will be pushed to the limits as Tally continues to cope with her new reality after giving up her youth to become one of General Alder’s (Lyne Renée) biddies. “The connection of biddie-ship is so profoundly intimate… and deep,” Laurence teased. “That will haunt Tally throughout the entire season because Tally will start to remember Alder’s memories.”
Where can I watch “Motherland: Fort Salem”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Freeform. You can also watch the show on Hulu(Free Trial), Amazon Prime(Cancel Anytime), and YouTube TV(Free Trial).