Created by Benjamin Cavell, SEAL Team is a military drama television series. Cavell is also the executive producer alongside Ed Redlich, Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly, Christopher Chulack, John Glenn, David Boreanaz, Mark Owen, and Spencer Hudnut.
The first season of the series premiered on September 27, 2017, followed by the second season on October 3, 2018. The third season was released on October 2, 2019, and the fourth was released on December 2, 2020. The fifth season premiered on October 10, 2021, and followed by the sixth on September 18, 2022. A seventh season has been confirmed.
So, when is SEAL Team Season 6 releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
SEAL Team Plot
The fifth season of SEAL Team was full of personal moments. The last episodes would have been the final episode if multiple rocket-propelled grenades did not crash down on a member of the team in Mali. The new season will continue from where the previous season ended.
The plot details of the seventh season has not been revealed yet. The sixth season continued after the catastrophic ending of Season 5, including who survived the attack in Mali and what Boreanaz has also remained silent on the same and explained that this would affect the structure of them.
Where to Watch SEAL Team Season 7?
You can watch SEAL Team Season 7 online on Paramount+ once it is released like the first two seasons of the series.
SEAL Team Season 7 Release Date and Cast
The latest season of SEAL Team premiered in October 2021 and it was renewed for a sixth season after a few months in February 2022. Season 6 was released on September 18, 2022. The number of episodes for the new season has not been confirmed as it has been different in every season. Further details should be announced in the upcoming few months.
Coming to the cast, we should get to see David Boreanaz, Max Thieriot, Jessica Pare, Neil Brown Jr., A.J. Buckley, Toni Trucks, and Judd Lormand in the lead roles. Since it is a new season, we can expect to see some new faces.
SEAL Team Season 7 Trailer
The makers have not released a trailer for SEAL Team Season 7. Until then, you can watch a sneak peek of Season 6 below:
A resident of Guwahati, Assam.
Assamese from words and a true Indian from the heart.
My dream and aim is to make India a discrimination-free country. Peace can be achieved only and if we treat everyone equally.
Respect the Indian Constitution.
Abide by the Article 14 of the Indian Constitution.
Say "No" to discrimination.