Created by Dave Filoni, Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an American animated series. It is part of the Star Wars franchise, acting as both a sequel to and spin-off from, the series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The Bad Batch is produced by Lucasfilm Animation. The executive producers of the show are Dave Filoni Athena Yvette Portillo, Jennifer Corbett, and Brad Rau.
The first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch premiered on May 4, 2021, and ran for 16 episodes until August 13. It received positive reviews from critics. Considering that the makers have renewed the show for a second season, which is set to premiere on September 28, 2022.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the plot? Who will come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Plot and Cast
Whilst the trailer doesn’t give away too much, there are still a few exciting snippets. We see Emperor Palpatine in full swing stating to the galaxy that “It is time for the new era.” Another interesting aspect of the trailer is the addition of the Wookie Jedi student ‘Gungi’ who is seen equipped with a green lightsaber, it will be intriguing to see what his role will be in the new season.
Regarding the plot when speaking with The Convenor Call, composer Kevin Kiner hinted that fans we’ll get to a slightly older Omega in The Bad Batch Season 2. The fact that the female clone is slightly older in season 2, suggests there may be a bit of a leap in the time since the first installment.
We are expecting to see all the major characters from the last season return, and the other expecting cast includes Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Ang, Rhea Perlman as Cid, Noshir Dalal, Gwendoline Yeo, and Stephen Stanton as Admiral Tarkin, Ben Diskin, and others.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 Release Date
The developers have renewed Star Wars: The Bad Batch for a second season, which is scheduled to premiere on September 28, 2022.
The upcoming season might consist of sixteen episodes like the first season. However, an official confirmation is still awaited.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 Trailer
The trailer for the second season has already arrived on 30 May 2022. Check out the trailer right here:
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