Developed by Albert Kim, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an American adventure fantasy television series. The series is a live-action adaptation of the animated television series...
Fantasy series often include magic, supernatural forces, or exotic fantasy worlds. The Witcher is also a fantasy series that Lauren Schmidt Hissrich created. It explores the...
Developed by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda, One Piece is a fantasy adventure television series. It is a live-action adaptation of the manga series of the...
Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, Arcane is an adult animated action adventure streaming television series. The executive producers of the show include Christian Linke,...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It premiered on Netflix on...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It premiered on Netflix on...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It premiered on Netflix on...
Created by Tony Gilroy, Andor, is an American science-fiction action-adventure limited series. It is first streaming on Disney+. The series follows thief-turned-rebel spy Cassian Andor during...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It premiered on Netflix on...
Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, Arcane is an adult animated action adventure streaming television series. The executive producers of the show include Christian Linke,...