Created by Brian Koppelman, David Levien, and Andrew Ross Sorkin, Billions is a drama television series. It is mostly set in large financial centers, specifically in...
Developed by Jason Katims, Dear Edward is an upcoming drama television series. The show is based on the novel of the same name by Ann Napolitano....
Created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, City on Fire is an upcoming crime drama television series for Apple TV+. Schwartz and Savage have also served...
Wedding Season is a rom-com action thriller based on Oliver Lyttelton’s screenplay. The complex and thus, engaging love story owns its direction credits to George Kane...
The Serpent Queen is a period drama based on Leonie Frieda’s non-fiction work, titled Catherine de Medici: Renaissance Queen of France (2004). The series highlights the...
Alaska Daily is an upcoming television drama series created by the infamous Oscar-winning screenwriter, actor, and director Tom McCarthy. The show is that of a criminal...
Chad Kroeger and JT Parr, hugely popular for their local city council, are coming up with their own show, titled, ‘Chad & JT Go Deep’. The...
The Kardashian-Jenner family is back with season two of The Kardashians. As was with season one, the second season is expected to involve quite an array...
The Onyx Collective is bringing to screen its first scripted drama, Reasonable Doubt. The show is a legal drama that stars Emayatzy Corinealdi and is directed...
Created by Valerie Armstrong, Kevin Can F**k Himself, the American dark comedy, is returning with a second season which is also going to be the final...