Created by Jon Favreau, The Mandalorian is a space western television series, made for Disney+. Favreau is also the executive producer alongside Dave Filoni, Kathleen Kennedy,...
Created by Frank Herbert, Dune: Prophecy is an upcoming science fiction television series that is based on the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. The upcoming...
Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, and Jenny Lumet, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an American television series. A spin-off from Star Trek: Discovery, it...
Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Star Trek: Discovery is an American television series. Premiered on September 24, 2017, it is the seventh Star Trek...
Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, and Jenny Lumet, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an American television series. A spin-off from Star Trek: Discovery, it...
Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Star Trek: Discovery is an American television series. Premiered on September 24, 2017, it is the seventh Star Trek...
Created by Jon Favreau, The Mandalorian is a space western television series, made for Disney+. Favreau is also the executive producer alongside Dave Filoni, Kathleen Kennedy,...
Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Star Trek: Discovery is an American television series. Premiered on September 24, 2017, it is the seventh Star Trek...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, and Jenny Lumet, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an American television series. A spin-off from Star Trek: Discovery, it...