The new Netflix reality dating show Too Hotto Handle, produced by Fremantle Production, created by Laura Gibson and Charlie Bennett, talks about how to establish genuine connections instead of casual hookups, and the interesting fact about the show is if someone engages in physical intimacy with any participant, then the prize money will start reducing, starting at $100,00. The show aired on 17 April, 2020.
The talk of the town is now the new couple Rhonda Paul and Sharron Townsend, and their blooming relationship. Though Sharron complains that their relationship has hit some bumpy roads since they finished filming last year but they still do talk every day. Things are going great and they meet quite often. They talk about their family problems to struggles to earn their daily bread. Things might have been low initially, but eventually took up the speed. They keep up with their relationship through FaceTime, phone calls, and text messages during the time of quarantine. The love birds admit that communication is the key to any working relationship.
The fans are happy to know that Sharron even talks with Rhonda’s son, and happily accepted him. Fortunately, the excitement is reciprocated. The couple look forward to deeper and stronger connection. They have huge respect for each other and appreciate how they manage with their daily life. Sharron even said that he might have found “the one”.