Netflix announced the renewal of its latest reality show called The Circle for a season 2! The show which released its first season on Netflix America in January 2020, had already made its debut in the U.K. on channel 4. The show gained so much popularity that Netflix ended up renewing it for a season two a few months after its release.
The show is a reality tv show which is centered around the theme of isolating individuals in their apartments. They are provided with technology and are abstained from having any physical contact. The purpose of doing this was to test their patience, level of commitment, and dedication of having to put up with being alone for a duration of time.
The only source of contacting someone is this specially designed app by the creators which only gives the contestants the authority to interact with one another. In the first season, we saw that there was a lot catfishing done, some took new identities to mess around with their fellow contestants along with this many actually benefitted from interacting with their fellow competitors.
The purpose of the show was also to put the participants in an environment that conducts them to adapt to social isolation while having no outlet to physically interact with humans or to step into the outside world. Who knew that we all would have to live like that of the contestants on The Circle, curtsy Covid-19 pandemic!
The winner of this show was Joey Sasso, who received the cash prize of $100,000. Shubham Goel was the runners-up in the competition. Sammie Cimarelli won the Fan Favorite award and a sum prize of $10,000.
The creators of this show for the second season are considering casting people from all around the world to give this show a more pronounced flavour of the world’s culture and ethnicity! There has been no confirmation about the release date of season two nor the commencement of the auditions for the contestants! However, we will update you as soon as we can!
Electronics and communication engineer in the making, I’m a voracious reader and a passionate writer. I enjoy learning new skills and aim to enhance my skillset. I strive to achieve the best and firmly believe that every opportunity is a gateway to one’s personal success and development.