Directed and written by Kim Hyung-joo, The Match is an upcoming South Korean biopic. MoonLight Film Company and BH Entertainment are the production companies involved with the upcoming film. The upcoming film is based on the rivalry between master and student Go players Cho Hun-Hyun, and Lee-Chang-ho. the rivalry between master and student Go players Cho Hun-Hyun, and Lee-Chang-ho. If you are looking for the latest information regarding the upcoming film then this article will be helpful for you.
So, when the upcoming film is releasing? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Is there any trailer or teaser available for the upcoming film? Keep reading to know the further details.
The Match Plot and Cast
The exact storyline for the upcoming film is yet to be revealed. However, for now, we can speculate that the basic premise of the story will follow the rivalry between master and student Go players Cho Hun-Hyun and Lee-Chang-ho.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Lee Byung-hun as Cho Hun-hyun, Moon Jung-hee as Jung Mi-hwa, Yoo Ah-in as Lee Chang-ho, Kim Kang-hoon as young Lee Chang-ho, Ko Chang-Seok as Lee Chang-ho’s father, Jung Suk-yong, and Hyun Bong-sik.
The Match Release Date
The filming for the film has begun on December 17, 2020, in Yeongnam, Gyeongsang Province, and Gangwon-do, and wrapped up in July 2021. The film has been produced by MoonLight Film Company, and BH Entertainment.
The upcoming film is scheduled to be released on Netflix in 2023; however, there is no specific release date available yet. The film led to a lot of international sales and in 2021, it was chosen to be shown at Busan International Film Festival’s Asian Contents & Film Market.
The Match Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer or teaser available for the film since the release date is yet to be confirmed.
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.