What We Do in the Shadows is a comedy horror mockumentary television series on FX. The series is created by Jemaine Clement, and is the second television series in the What We Do in the Shadows franchise, after Wellington Paranormal. What We Do in the Shadows premiered on March 27, 2019 on FX. The series was renewed for a second season while the first one was still on air. The second season premiered on April 15, 2020.
What We Do in the Shadows was renewed for a third season in May 2020. Read on to find out more about season 3 of What We Do in the Shadows.
Cast of What We Do in the Shadows Season 3
The main cast of What We Do in the Shadows will all be returning for season 3. This includes Kayvan Novak as Nandor the Relentless, the oldest vampire who was once the bloodthirsty leader of the fictional kingdom of Al-Quolanudar in Southern Iran, is also the self-proclaimed leader of the group and as such frequently calls house meetings for frivolous discussions; Natasia Demetriou as Nadja, a Romani vampire who turned Laszlo into a vampire and later married him; Matt Berry as Laszlo Cravensworth, an Englishman noble vampire; Harvey Guillen as Guillermo De la Cruz, Nandor’s long-suffering Latino familiar who has served Nandor for 11 years in the hopes of being converted into a vampire himself; and Mark Proksch as Colin Robinson, an energy vampire who lives in the basement and is disliked by the rest of the vampires.
Anthony Atamanuik, who plays the role of the human next-door neighbour of the vampires, will also feature in season 3, as revealed by executive producer Paul Simms.
What We Do in the Shadows Season 3 – Recent Updates
The third season of What We Do in the Shadows is expected to add around 3-4 new mythical creatures, as revealed by executive producer Paul Simms during the show’s NYCC panel.
“I think we meet at least three to four new kinds of creatures — but I’m not saying what they are besides the hell hound.”
On being asked by Matt Berry if there will be aliens in the third season, Simms said that there won’t be any aliens, but Sesame Street character Kermit the Frog might make an appearance. Simms also said that in season 3, the vampires will be going on a road trip to a place they haven’t been to before. So there’s plenty to look forward in the upcoming season.
Season 3 of What We Do in the Shadows can be expected to premiere some time in the spring of 2021.