Created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman for the Fox Broadcasting Company and later TBS, “American Dad” is an American animated sitcom that follows a gung-ho CIA agent (voice of MacFarlane), and his suburban family, which includes a hippie teen daughter that premiered first on February 6, 2005.
The Smith family lives in the fictional U.S. community of “Langley Falls, Virginaia,” in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. The town name is a composite of Langley, Virginia, and Great Falls, Virginia, both of which are located in Fairfax County. Langley is the real-life location of CIA headquarters.
The latest season aired on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 9 P.M ET on TBS.
Worried that he’s not smart enough for Hayley, Jeff undergoes an experimental intelligence enhancement procedure at the CIA. Roger recruits Steve to help him harvest snake venom.
Stan Smith leads the all-American family in this animated sitcom filled with wild and crazy extremes. Everyday life is taken to the limit as Stan applies the same drastic measures used in his job at the CIA to his home life. Driven by machismo and the American dream, he often is blind to how horribly he fails at his attempts. This father might not know best, but he never stops trying.
Where can I watch “American Dad”?
Exclusively available for streaming on TBS, ITV Hub, you can also watch it on Disney+, YouTube TV(FREE TRIAL), and Amazon Prime (cancel anytime).