Created by Simon Fuller, produced by Fremantle North America and 19 Entertainment, “American Idol” is an American singing competition television series that started as an addition to the Idols format that was based on Pop Idol from British television, and became one of the most successful shows in the history of American television.
The show initially aired on Fox from June 11, 2002, to April 7, 2016, for 15 seasons. It was on hiatus for two years until March 11, 2018, when a revival of the series began airing on ABC.
The latest season premiered on Sunday, February 14, 2021, at 8 P.M on ABC.
The show returns for a new season as superstar judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry, and Lionel Richie set out on a journey across the nation to discover a new crop of inspiring talent with a touch of Disney magic on The ABC Television Network.
Emmy Award-winning host and producer Ryan Seacrest, who represents the heart and soul of the show, returns as host of the beloved series to walk with these Idol hopefuls through this adventure toward stardom. When the show debuted in the U.S., the series revolutionized television, pioneering the reality-competition genre and holding an unmatched record for being the highest-rated series for nearly a decade.
Where can I stream “American Idol 19”?
You can watch the full episode, live, on or via the ABC apps with a cable provider login. The show is also available on subscription services Netflix, Hulu, and Youtube(Free Trial).