Created by Michael Waldron, Loki is a television series created for Disney+. It is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name and the...
Created by Brian Koppelman, David Levien and Andrew Ross Sorkin, Billions is a drama television series. It is mostly set in large financial centers, specifically New...
Developed by Morgan Cooper, Malcolm Spellman, TJ Brady, and Rasheed Newson, Bel-Air is an American drama television series. It is a reimagined version of the sitcom...
Developed by Erica Saleh, One of Us Is Lying is a mystery drama television series. The series is based on the 2017 novel of the same...
Created by Patrick Macmanus, Dr. Death is a crime drama series and it is based on the podcast of the same name. Macmanus is also the...
Created for Apple TV+ by Josh Gad, Loren Bouchard and Nora Smith, Central Park is a musical adult animated sitcom. Distributed by Disney Platform Distribution, the...
Created for FX, Archer is an adult animated sitcom made by Adam Reed. Reed is also the executive producer of the series along with Matt Thompson...
Created by Merv Griffin, Wheel of Fortune is a game show that first aired back in 1975. The current version was first released in September 1983...